Gecko Force: the 2Hz Blast Monitor

With new low frequency geophones, the Gecko Force now covers all standards of blast monitoring, particularly when paired with a low frequency microphone. Ground motions of less than 0.001mm/s to almost 1000mm/s are clearly visible due to the Gecko’s 32-bit ADC, and air blast from less than 80dB to almost 150dB are recorded at high resolution. Ground and air sensors cover the 2-250Hz frequency compliance range and beyond.


Use the Force!

The Gecko Force is all you need to check that you don’t run afoul of Imperial Regulations. Or Metric Regulations for that matter.

A standard configuration allows you to clear see amplitudes as small as 0.001mm/s while having a range of 10ips (inches per second, or 254mm/s) at 500 samples per second recording, but the range can be user-selected to record amplitudes of almost 1000mm/s at up to 1600Hz.

The built-in LCD and keypad offers full configuration without the need for a PC in the field. The Gecko Force only draws around about 2Ah of 12V DC power per day while recording continuously. The system is available with a carry case featuring a number of battery power options for days or weeks of recording, or simply bring your own 12VDC power and record continuous data for months.

Make sure you’re using low noise high tech equipment for blast monitoring – you too can be Force sensitive!

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